Strength is a cure support group

August 3, 2022 0 Comments

“Strength is a cure”

I won’t be so egotistical, overconfident, or just outright wrong to make a claim so bold that strength is “the” cure.  But I do think that strength is a vital component to long lasting healing from most significant illnesses.  

Louie Simmons, the godfather of powerlifting in the US, said, “strength is never a weakness.”  JL Holdworth, an alumni of Westside Barbell expanded on this when he said, “No one has ever stepped off the field or come out of the ring having said, ‘Ya know, that would have gone a lot better if I were weaker.’”  I’ll take that one step further in also saying that no one has left a chemo or radiation treatment hoping they were weaker instead of stronger.  

My aim for this support group is two-fold.  

First off, I want a support group away from any clinical setting.  I also aim to try and make more people comfortable in a gym setting.  It’s where I’m home.  I’ve spent 25 years of my life inside a gym.  I’m almost more comfortable in a gym than I am in my own home.  I want others to feel something of the confidence and security that I do.  There is also no other place in the world where I have felt the comradery of purpose.  I’ve played sports.  I’ve been a part of many different sports teams.  However, it’s in the gym where I have made more life-time friends than anywhere else in my life.  

Secondly, I want to pass on the knowledge of strength training to those that want or need it.  Support groups can be more than just sharing thoughts and feelings.  Support groups need to relay knowledge and spread information that will last each and every day.  I want people to walk away from a meeting with knowledge that will help them become stronger, smarter, and resilient.  

The next meeting is Augst 8th, 2022.  I’m hosting it at Lowcountry Strength inside of Charleston Krav Maga.  The address is 1250 Wappoo Road.  We’re located in West Ashley just off of Sam Rittenberg Blvd.  

You can reach out to me through my email:

Or my instagram @lcstrength or find me on Facebook.  

I’ll hold these “Strength is a cure” support group meetings every other Monday.  So after August 8th, the next one will be on the 22nd.  I’ll provide water to anyone who needs it.  I’m working on coffee.  I’m hoping to have that at the next one if not by at least the one on the 22nd.  I know how much people like their coffee.  I know I do.  

I hope to see you there.  

Yours in strength, 


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