About Me
My name is Will Kuenzel and I am a 42 year old gym owner and former personal trainer. I am a husband to an amazing wife and father to two beautiful and charismatic daughters.
I’m also a leukemia survivor. In October of 2021 I received a stem cell transplant. Since then I have been able to remain in remission and continue to improve.
A computer engineer by major but a gym owner and personal trainer by choice. I graduated from UNC-Charlotte in 2002 and spent a few years working as an IT consultant. Upon realizing that corporate life did not suit me, my long term goals, or desires, I left it to pursue a life of fitness.
Since opening Lowcountry Strength I’ve helped and coached thousands of clients. From geriatrics to collegiate football players to middle school soccer players, one of the things I’m most proud of is the wide range of clientele I’ve had the fortune to work with.
I’m currently working to bring fitness information to the masses and strive to make fitness more relatable to those having gone through cancer or a similar diagnosis.