9/27 (Day -4)

September 29, 2021 0 Comments

My weight was down to 191. It was 194 when I was admitted but it could be due to lack of fluids. The chemo is starting to take its toll and my appetitite is slowly dropping. I’m still eating but it’s a chore. This was the last day of the busulfan. Tomorrow I start the …

9/26 (Day -5)

September 29, 2021 0 Comments

Labs run overnight showed that my magnesium and potassium were both low, so I received a transfusion of each starting at 6am. I am also getting an IV anti-fungal that they run in conjunction with my Busulfan at 8am. Thankfully I have 3 lines on my catheter so they can run just about anything they …

9/23 (Day -7) and 9/24 (Day -6)

September 29, 2021 0 Comments

These first 2 days are chemo days. My chemo conditioning consists of busulfan. Evidently it’s pretty harsh. Everything starts bright and early at 8am. Where they started chemo. It takes about 3 hours so I’m hooked up from 8am until 11am. Thankfully no more IV after that but that’ll change around Day -3 when I …

9/22 Admission Day

September 29, 2021 0 Comments

I woke up like I had every day this morning, just trying Amy get the girls off to school with as little trouble as possible. They were coming home at noon to see me off and so that Amy could take me to the hospital make sure I had everything needed. Like the day before, …


September 29, 2021 0 Comments

9/22/21 The only thing I had this day was a Covid test and a follow up with the dental surgery team. I’d had a ulcer in my mouth that they were keeping a watch one. But as we got closer to the my admission date it thankfully had gone away. With dental surgery being the …

Lab work and blood

September 29, 2021 0 Comments

I thought I was just going in to have a quick chat with Laura, the nurse practitioner for Dr Baratam, but turns out I needed a blood transfusion too. So what was supposed to be a quick morning, turned in to a half a day event. Blood work at 7am. Visit with Laura at 8am. …

Almost there

September 29, 2021 0 Comments

After the results came back from my bone marrow biopsy, the doctors were ready to get me admitted. Just had to jump through a few more hoops. September 20, 20121 I had 4 appt. across 3 different buildings. It was quite the morning. First at 7am was my pulmonary function test. One of the chemos …

Finally a BMB

September 15, 2021 0 Comments

I finally get a pain in my ass! Been looking forward to this for a week, or more. Well, not really the pain but eager to see how this most recent chemo was treating me. As I described in my last blog post, the blasts were too high to go to transplant so I had …

The BMB that didn’t happen

September 10, 2021 0 Comments

Tuesday September 7th, I was scheduled to have a bone marrow biopsy. We have to check my current level of blasts in the marrow. Blasts or myeloblasts are the most immature cells. Generally having a blast level of 20% or more is an indication of acute leukemia. Prior to my first round of chemo (Vyxeos) …

Remainder of my Hospital Stay

September 8, 2021 0 Comments

It was relatively short lived and uneventful. I didn’t have any nose bleeds. They never found out what caused the fever and it was more than likely a result of just low neutropenic counts. The most difficult thing I had going on was that my throat was very sore and borderline painful. I had some …